Saturday 24 January 2015

Gordon Ramsay liable for rent signed with a ghostwriting machine by father-in-law

The court has ruled that celebrity chef, Gordon Ramsay is liable for the £640,000 annual rent in a 25-year lease agreement on a pub in Regents Park, London. Ramsay alibi was that his father-in-law, Christopher Hutcheson who was managing his business empire and whom he had sacked following family dispute, signed the pub's agreement with a ghostwriting machine in 2007 wherein Hutcheson made him the guarantor for the rent 'without his knowledge'. He claimed to know of the transaction after Hutcheson was sacked. Interestingly, the chef's office had used the same equipment to autograph merchandise, cookbooks and legal documentations.

The court ruled that Ramsay should pay £1.3m two years rent backlog and £650,000 legal costs. Don't you think technology would soon replaced human being responsibility?

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